In partial honor to my impending arrival to the MTC and partially because I found this awesome inforgraphic (I just learned that that's what they are called) I wanted to do a little post about the MTC.
Before I actually got my call, I did a lot of MTC research. I found soooo many useful tips and tricks. I wish I could give credit where it is due but I'm pulling these out of a word document I made and I didn't site blogs there. Just know they aren't mine. The commentary on the tips, however, is mine. After I leave the MTC I'll make my own list of tips and tricks. But anyways...
Here are my favorites:
1. If you are learning a foreign language study before! At least learn the sounds of their alphabets. Try learning religious terms and phrases too. And don't get discouraged. It won't all come at once. Just try your best and work your hardest!
2. Snacks: Bring your own snacks (granola bars, microwave popcorn and such). Grab fruit from the cafeteria- you can eat it later! gum is highly bring mints.
3. You might not get a P-Day your first week. Make sure you have at least 10 outfits/ pairs of G's.
4. Make a workout book! (I've already made one. I went on pinterest and found a bunch of easy workouts and then printed them all out and put them in my missionary binder)
5. Bring a warm, comfy blanket from home. According to my brother the MTC blankets are gross. And it can get chilly at night.
6.You are given a card to get you in and out of buildings. You use it A LOT. Buy a cute lanyard. Or a retracting ID reel. And bring a ring to attach your key to a clip.
7. Stay away from the Orange Juice!
8. Exercise in the 2M gym under the bookstore. It's more private and a lot nicer! With treadmills etc! They also play the Joseph Smith movie on repeat! (I'm pretty sure this tip was from Bella in Berlin)
9. Go to the salad bar line in the MTC and order a tortilla, just put cheese on it and microwave it. Mixes up what you are eating.
10. Tie ribbons to your suitcase so you know which one is yours
11. Take a picture in front of the world map! It's by the cafeteria.
and here are a few from my brother who just left the MTC a few weeks ago...
12. Take the bunk farthest from the door and with the most walls surrounding it (he thought that was the best one). He also recommends the top bunk.
13. Bring shower sandals, a pillow and a pillow case
14. See "Character of Christ" video by Elder Bednar the first Sunday you can. Then see it near the end of your stay. The dichotomy between interpretations each time you watch it is interesting
15. Read a lot of church history stuff before you come and brush up on it. There are no resources in the MTC for that.
The infographic is called "Preparation With a Purpose: Life in a Mormon Missionary Training Center". I love it! This brakes down what missionaries do in the MTC so perfectly. And then gives some other information about missionary Training Centers as well. Perfect for explaining the MTC to all my non-member friends.