Monday, November 24, 2014

Wow, It's Getting Colder

24 November 2014 Sakado

Wow! This week was fantastic. We had so many lessons. We were busy running around all week. Our investigators and the other people we are working with are really progressing. It is  really, really exciting. But, it's Christmas we should expect nothing less! 

Monday we had two really awesome lessons. During our first lesson our investigator made us Ramen from scratch. It was delicious! I don't think ever want to eat Ramen from a package again. It just doesn't compare. Then she made me sight read a song for it was rough haha but she was so impressed! She wants us to sing it with her boyfriend(?) who is a famous Japanese country singer hahaha. We will see..
Also, today when we visited her she told us how she had gone out to eat with her Christian friend this past week. Before they ate she asked her friend "aren't you going to pray? That's what my Mormon friends do!" I’m so proud of her! 

After we ran to the church for another lesson. We made popcorn with a eikaiwa student and a church member. Our student totally took us by surprise! She is more interested than we thought. Recently, we have been doing a lot of 'introduce the gospel lessons'. But just sitting down and talking isn't always the most effective so we have tried something different twice..and it has been really good both times. We ask everyone to think of a question..any question they want and then, while Hall shimai is talking I find the answer in the Book of Mormon. Then, we introduce the Book of Mormon. I like to say you can find the answer to any question within it. The Book of Mormon is like a personal note, just for you, from God. And then we have them, read their answers. As our student read her answer, her eyes got bigger and you could tell it was exactly what she needed. When we gave her a Book of Mormon of her own she was so excited! It was a really, really great lesson. 

Tuesday we had four lessons planned! Sadly, our last one was cancelled because Hashiba San caught the flu! We ran all over the place. What a tiring day. Our first lesson was with the lady who came to church on Sunday! We taught her the restoration. I think it made perfect sense to her. Now she just needs to pray and receive a confirmation that it is true! We had a really awesome member in our lesson too. As a missionary I've really learned the importance of member missionary work. We can't do it without you! If you haven't helped the missionaries lately, I invite you to do just that. We can't do it alone. Anyways, as we walked our investigator back to the train station she told us she wants to go to New York and visit Palmyra! Palmyra is where Joseph Smith’s home is, and during the summer where the Hill Cummorah Pageant is. Visitors are welcome. I told her once I get home she is more than welcome to come visit! 

We went out with a member this week and afterwards she invited us over to eat. She is the sweetest little old lady. (She has this little old dog who pees on the floor when they are excited.) Well, she pulls two grape sodas out of the fridge and is holding them crooked and one happened to be open so it spilled on the floor! I don't know how to say "you just spilled the soda!" In Japanese so I just hoped really hard that she wouldn't stepped in it...but, I didn't hope hard enough because she stepped in it! And then she blames it on the dog! It was pretty funny. 

Yahagi shimai, the less active sister, is basically an active member again. Sooo exciting! Sooooo exciting! She told us how she has been looking for work and told all her prospective employers she couldn't work on Sunday! And this week she found a job and doesn't need to work on Sunday. Yay! She told me last week that my story about not working on Sunday's really gave her strength to do the same! 

Nishibori shimai, another really old less active, surprised us this week. So she is 83, she loves writing haikus and is just the sweetest thing you will ever meet. We rang her door bell multiple times, we knew she was in there, but she didn't answer. After a few minutes her son came home and got her. She apologized profusely for not answer and then told us the reason why. She was watching sumo wrestling! She loves sumo wrestling! We got a good chuckle from that. After talking about sumos for a while she decided she should and could probably spend some more time reading the Book of Mormon. Of course we agreed with her...we will see if she does next week. I really think she is on the verge of taking some big steps forward. I'm excited. 

I love you all! There are miracles happening all around us. We just have take the time to look! 

Sister Molinari